The Mission

The mission and core belief here at Splyft is to ensure that the coming interplanetary expansion is accessable to everyone with the dream to travel the stars. We also follow the guidelines that with advancements to modern technology and also with the privitization of space exploration the ability to create a scenario where the pioneering of the solar system is near and will not only be Accessible but affordable.

The Backbone of the SPLYFT space exploration program is our Orbital Space Lift Launching module also known as SPLYFT! This revolutionary new technology, through a series of patented scientific processes, is able to launch your personal SPLYFT Lunar Rover or Space probe towards any trajectory in the solar system, all without the need for fuel! This exciting new technology has enabled the masses to start their interplanetary exploration in as little as just a few weeks!

The Tech

Below you will find a quick summary of the most important, as well as the most revolutionary tech at the SPLYFT space exploration program. these scientifically unsound and imaginary devices are based and inspired by existing space probes and rovers, these extremely intricate yet non-existent scientific devices are also what make the SPLYFT privitized space exploration program possible. If you like these ideas or consider them at all achievable, then drop us a line down below or donate to the Splyft interplanetary space exploration program beer fund.


The SPLYFT Launcher is a spacecraft like launcher that orbits around Earth. The launcher is a unique scienctific instrument and is made up of parts that were assembled in space by astronauts. It orbits Earth at an average altitude of approximately 250 miles and travels at 17,500 mph orbiting the Earth every 90 minutes. The SPLYFT Launcher and SPLYFT Drones purpose is to bring the knowledge of living and working in space to the common man in real time. These lessons can make it possible to send humans farther into space than ever before.

Features of the SPLYFT Launcher include the modules and basic systems needed for the space launcher to function. They also include Modules called "nodes" that connect various parts of the launcher to each other.

Stretching out to the sides of the launcher are the solar arrays. These arrays collect energy from the sun to provide electrical power. The arrays are connected to the station with a long trusses. On the trusses are radiators that control the launchers temperature.

Robotic sensors are mounted outside the SPLYFT launcher. These robotic sensors were used to position the launcher. These sensors also can position the SPLYFT drones around the self stabalizing launch pad and enable separate devices to be launches to any trajectory in the galaxy

Why Is the launcher Important? The launcher has made it possible for human beings to have an ongoing presence in space. Human have been exploing space since the first crews arrived This launcher allows private citizens to do research that could not be done anywhere else all to a great benefit for the people of Earth. Since the introduction of the SPLYFT Launcher we and are partners have learned how valuable it is for the future of space exploration.

The SPLYFT Rover is an interplanetary motor vehicle that can be remotely controlled from the Earths surface. SPLYFT rovers provide the private explorer many features and due to their small size are able to examine more territory then traditional rovers, and because they can place themselves in sunny positions, the solar powered rover will remain operable for many years.

All SPLYFT rovers are equipped with the "rocker-bogie design" this design has no springs but instead each wheel has an independent motor allowing the rover to climb over any obstacle. Based on its center of mass, the SPLYFT rover can withstand a tilt of at least 45 degrees in any direction without overturning

SPLYFT rovers also come with several qptional features like the Mastcam-Z advanced camera with panoramic imaging or the SuperCam, that can perform imaging tasks as well as chemical analysis, and mineralogy. We also have several other options available such as (SHERLOC), a spectrometer that can provide fine-scale imaging and detect organic compounds and (RIMFAX), a ground-penetrating radar that can provide centimeter-scale resolution of the geologic structure of the subsurface.



The SPLYFT Orbiter is a three-axis stabilized system and uses celestial referenced altitude control to maintain pointing of the high-gain antennas toward Earth. The orbiter can be used alone for aerial investigation of planetary systems or in conjunction with the SPLYFT Rover command application to relay your Rover Pilot operation signal to your personal SPLYFT Rover, enabling its operation planet wide.

All Orbiters are equipped with Uplink communications via S-band, an X-band high-rate plasma wave data transmitter and a upgradeable 3.7 meter high-gain antenna (HGA).

SPLYFT Orbiters also come with several optional features available for purchase such as The Photopolarimeter 0.2 m telescope that covers eight wavelengths between 235 nm and 750 nm, or the FIST, the Field InfraRed Survey Telescope, designed for dark energy, exoplanets, and infrared astrophysics.

The Crew

We're a sincere company with a straight forward vision. We believe that there is an amazing amount to be learned from working in nonexistent scenarios. With this in mind we began to gather people in August of 2018 and decided on the name of SPLYFT and to this day are founding principle is to always ensure that we have no idea what it is that we are talking about or what it is that we are doing.

The Beauty

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Romina Hadid

Since receiving her on-line certificate in responsive web design, Romina spends her days watching You Tube tutorials and watching Netflix. Romina says be sure to keep up with her on social media.

The Brains

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Ryan Tompson

After accidentally spending way to much time in the Poppy feilds of Oz, Ryan Tompson became the founding member of the SPLYFT team. Ryans social media pages give insite on the future.

The Brawn

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Eva Jenner

Eva Jenner attended the Oz institute of technology where he majored in Lorem Ipsums. He now manages the greater MunchkinLand area. Eva also looks forward to seeing you on social media.